Canvasser TODO: ------------------------- Bugs: I think there's something wrong with the fade animation in canvasser. Clicking on scaled objects not suppored yet. Order not being used - particles always render on top of everything. Feature Requests: Wait until all images are loaded before displaying anything Tests (position) need to be hooked up Particles spawned in animation should have a unique id so that mode than one can exist and anim knows which to call Canvasser Authoring TODO: ------------------------- Bugs: If I add it through the animation panel, it'll have startalpha but not endalpha in the json file. It still works once I manually put endalpha and a value for it in the json From current on animations acting weird Shapes property UI not hooked up Groups not select list (allow multiple?) Samples are getting placed in exported JSON. Vis action doesn't select particles or groups click/touch event vis filter not working as expected ui Feature Requests: Particle Copy Menu Item DONE: 2017-08-22 Object/Group/Particle filter working on more(all?) properties. 2017-08-22 Flipbook works if missing x or y values (defaults to 0). 2017-08-08 Objects now take their scale * parent scale. 2017-08-08 Groups vis command hooked up for animation. 2017-08-07 Groups assignment UI hooked up on Objects. 2017-08-07 Animation of Groups hooked up. 2017-08-07 Groups Window UI hooked up. 2017-08-04 Test for variable condition working. 2017-08-04 Fixed settings property window. 2017-08-03 Only one particle of a type can exist at a time and animations will override old one. 2017-08-03 Renamed testp to Interactive in UI and hide actions if object not interactive. 2017-08-03 Added "flow" particle emission type. Burst now emits all particles at once. 2017-08-03 Version 1.1.0 2017-08-03 Fixed move anims referencing particle archetype rather than particle instance. 2017-08-02 Fixed animation bug with undefined previous time triggering anims twice. 2017-08-02 Permanent particle persisting working. 2017-08-02 Windows no longer go off of screen. 2017-08-01 Particle parenting working. 2017-07-28 Tests hooked up. 2017-07-18 Tests Window added to UI. 2017-07-18 Conditional position and variable added to UI. 2017-07-17 Sound UI and Add/Delete implemented. 2017-07-17 Combined functions for UI build menus. 2017-07-14 Settings cached option (bool) added - defaults to use cached 2017-07-14 Canvasser Init now grabs previous x,y mouse position for loadInto 2017-07-14 loadInto now stops the loop - not sure if 100% fixed but seems okay