# Font Awesome 5 Pro License Need the specifics around our commercial Pro license or details on our open source Free license? Check out [Font Awesome 5's license section](https://fontawesome.com/license). ## License FAQs Have questions around your Pro license? We've tried to answer all that we could on [Font Awesome 5's help section](https://fontawesome.com/help), including the following: * [What can I do with a license?](https://fontawesome.com/help#license-dos) * [What can't I do with a license?](https://fontawesome.com/help#license-donts) * [What are seats and how to they work?](https://fontawesome.com/help#license-seats) * [Are the licenses for Font Awesome Pro really for life?](https://fontawesome.com/help#license-perpetual) --- ## Contributions to Font Awesome 5 By contributing to this project, you’re assigning all rights and privileges to the Font Awesome Team. We’ll make things in this repo open source wherever we can. If you have questions or need more clarification about this, feel free to contact us at hello@fontawesome.com.